Tom Price to Eighty Mile Beach

The drive from Tom Price up the Rio Tinto Private Road back to the coast was quite something.  We had to watch a video at the visitors information centre before getting approval to drive the road, and even Jayne as a non-engineer loved it.

This train driver waved to us and blew his horn. So friendly!

His train was two kilometres long like all the others up here. We had plenty of time to measure them!

We passed a train which was broken down, and the train driver (a female) still managed a wave while she was hammering away trying to repair something underneath one of the carriages. She must have been stopped for quite some time, as we counted 4 stationary trains due to this break-down. That's 8 km of trains being held up and a lot of money being lost, yet she still had time to wave to us. Maybe she was hoping we were her rescue crew?

Hamersley Gorge

Looks like Jayne left the bread in the oven for a little too long!  She forgot to take it out before the pizza went in, again!

Millstream Chichester National Park sunrise

We cycled to Deep Reach in Millstream for a swim. 14km ride in 30°C. We needed a swim at the end

The drive from Millstream Chichester was amazing, and the landscape some of the best we have seen. Our new favourite area!

Python Pool was particularly spectacular

Eighty Mile Beach

We arrived in the dark after a huge drive, and didn't spot one kangaroo, cow or anything else that could have been run over.  We know it's against the rules not to drive in the afternoon or night, but sometimes it's a necessity if you really want to make up some time.  The van was filthy so we spent a couple of hours this morning cleaning the dust off so we could touch it without being covered in red dirt. 

80 Mile Beach is grey nomad heaven.  The men fish, and the women collect shells from the beach and turn then into all kinds of dingly dangly things to hang off their caravans that tinkle when there's a breeze.  Everyone is very friendly and loves a chat. It's not even 9 pm yet and we're the only ones awake!  We met Roy and Marg here 4 years ago and we're still friends now even though they live thousands of kilometres away in Perth.

Eighty Mile Beach Caravan Park was as good as always, an oasis up here

A cute lizard warming his tummy outside the ladies toilets


After a busy morning, we treated ourselves to a home pedicure in the afternoon.  It took a while to grind off the dry skin from our 2 weeks at Ningaloo Station, and soak off all the red dirt from the last few days.  Thank goodness for Megan and her Nutrimetics foot spa goodies!

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